Well, this isn’t what I thought I would be doing a year ago. Last year, on January 1, I committed to myself that I would work through the online art and art journaling classes I had purchased. I promised myself that I would be consistent (Consistency being my word for 2018) and have a standing appointment with myself for two hours each day to “art”. And you know what? I pretty well did it!
June 1 came around and using techniques, skills and all the inspiration I had acquired up to that point in my various classes, I again made a commitment to myself: I decided that I was going to do 61 faces in 61 days. I participated in a Facebook group called ICAD: Index Card a Day and guess what! I did it! – For more information on this and the wonderful Tammy Garcia who hosts that challenge, click on the 61 Faces button at the top –
I’ll get back to all that later because right now, I’m not really feeling like I’m starting this year as I mean to go on. I’m battling this crummy website, getting product ordered for my first show (yikes!) which is now in 11 days, I have a jillion friggin things to do and all I really want to do is get painty, gluey and inky.
So, Happy New Year to all of you from all of the voices in my head and let’s see where this adventure takes us!
Welcome to my journey as a mixed media artist!
This is a brand new adventure for me. Any comments, suggestions and ideas are greatly appreciated as I bumble my way down this road.
Seven short weeks ago, I had a vague plan about setting up an Etsy shop in the first quarter of this year and then I ran into a dear artist friend with whom I hadn’t been in touch for four years. As only this particular friend can do, she made me rip that band-aide off and here I am with my art being printed and my first foray into public in 12 days.
Be gentle with me as I figure out this website, Instagram and all the other bits and pieces.
Happy New Year! It’s going to be a wild ride!
Jan 1, 2019